We are happy to announce that our child author Prarthana Saji, showcased her recent book “The Seven Wonders” in MCTE book fair, Mhow, Madhya Pradesh held on Saturday, 21st Sep 2019.
We wish the best for all her future endeavors.
Special thanks from Prowess Publishing to her parents for identifying their little star’s talent and encouraging it.
A book fair was organized at the sports complex of Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE) on Saturday where about a dozen publishers from all over the country took part and displayed their latest publications as well as bestsellers.
MCTE Family Welfare Association president Geetanjali Bhurke visited the fair along with other senior women of the college. She reviewed the stall and also suggested books that were required at the library. A large number of officers posted at MCTE visited the fair.
12-year-old Prarthana Saji, daughter of a naval officer, also set up a stall in the fair showcasing her book ‘The Seven Wonders’ which she has written recently.
The organizer of the event Faculty of Studies, Officer Commanding Brig Amrit Lal told TOI that such fairs are conducted every year as a part of the Library activities of the college.
Source: TOI
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