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Sharad K Goel

May,20, 2019ByProwess Publications

Sharad k Goel is an engineer and management professional with over 34 years of industry experience. This experience spans from power generation to steel and aluminum smelters of large groups of India. The experience taught me the process of growth in an individual’s life as well as organizational improvements. The author learned various businesses of many plants and turned himself into a business leader which only a few technocrats can do.

My inspiration to write this book is a continual improvement is possible everywhere and with everyone at any stage of life, the age has never mattered. I thought to book bind my overall experience so that many technocrats and management professional could read.

My message to aspiring authors “Never worry for failure. Try n try, one day you will be an acceptable grade-1 author. Also if you have some experience in life do not forget to Book bind”

I like self-publishing because it acts as a platform and gives the independence to stage you on a larger arena.

I would certainly recommend self-publishing to others, Simple reason is ease of expression to the publisher. Nobody disturbs you what so ever. You use your creativity and the publishing team helps you a lot.

Book Published by him

De-Designate Yourself First

This book contains the story of Passion, Teamwork, continual Improvement and a real story of a person. The Losing Businesses turning into profitable ventures by teams under better leadership. The leadership Engines and pipelines were created. Bringing improvement is the key to any Organization. Engineers Turning into Business Leaders is the Theme here. The progress in any organization is the sole responsibility of its leader. His passion correctly Copied by the team becomes the playing platform for the rest of the people for the years to come.
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My experience with Prowess is Excellent. The executives from their side treat our book publishing work as if it is their personal agenda. Clarity of discussion is always present.

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