Valentines Day Books Collection

Let this Season of Love, Teach You Love through these Books on love. This Valentines Day, let love be all about Book Lovers and Love Stories.

Top 10 Love Story Books

Made For Each Other

Made For Each Other is about love before and after marriage. The story brings to light the story of a man whose love before his marriage could not survive the demands of the marriage market while his love after marriage could despite all inevitable the ups and downs in the relationship. It is a must-read novel for couples for both inside and outside wedlock.
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Hasratein (Hindi)

ब्रह्मांड में प्रेम सबसे शक्तिशाली शक्ति है, और सदियों से रहस्यवादियों ने दिव्य प्रेम की परिवर्तनकारी क्षमता को समझा है। प्यार हमें प्यार वापस खींचता है, प्यार प्यार को उजागर करता है, प्यार हमें पूरा करता है और प्यार हमें घर ले जाता है। आत्मा की गहराई में हम भगवान से प्यार करते हैं। यह मानव होने का सबसे गहरा रहस्य है, प्रेम का बंधन जो हमारे अस्तित्व के मूल में है।
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Jaanu Tum Jaan Ho Meri (Hindi)

A debut novel by Abhishek Kumar born in a small town in Uttar Pradesh is currently pursuing his graduate degree in a reputed college in a small town in Erode in Tamil Nadu. At a young age of 19 when the youth of today are busy enjoying their life and where reading has taken a backseat, this young lad Abhishek is already on the path of fulfilling his dream of becoming a writer. Jaanu tum jaan ho meri is a romantic novel. A story of Sacrifice & Love.
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We the Apropos Hum Dono

We The Apropos is a love poetry book which is written in three lines of syllogism. The first two lines are propositions and the third is a conclusion from those propositions. The propositions are imaginary love meanderings with a real person. The translations appear in Roman Urdu.
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Charlie and Scarlett

It is a story of a seventeen years old girl ‘SCARLETT’. Who was born in a middle-class family. She was Socially bullied and faced many setbacks in her life. Her life was filled with ‘Darkness’. She was eagerly waiting to hold a helping hand throughout her life. She was downhearted and felt that she could not achieve anything ‘BIG’ in her life. Then there comes a young, rich boy ‘CHARLIE’ as a miracle in her life. They both had an ‘opposite Lifestyle’. He was a soft-hearted boy who then fell in love with her.
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This Too Shall Pass

This book of poems was born out of a roller-coaster journey of struggles and triumphs with anxiety, depression, divorce and also the wonderful experience of being in love. The poems are all outpourings inspired by the beautiful natural environs of her family home and the subsequent learnings that mostly only hard times bring. She credits her frantic morning runs and before-sunrise pranayamas for these thoughts and words, which ultimately helped heal her life.
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Mann-na-Manna (Hindi)

Now I think about them, all of a sudden, a hook gets up in the heart – the boundless ocean of happiness I had found in Sandeep … in which whenever you want to dip and get refreshed … and that sea is never less. … Her Mantra – indelible waves were enough to keep my playful mind alive for the whole new life and to keep me fresh forever.
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The Heart of Gold

The Heart of Gold is a gripping romance thriller that explores not only the dangerous territory of love and marriage but also the changing culture of modern Indian city life. Mukesh and Nithya are caught between time-honored traditions and the new, fast-paced global lifestyle. Mukesh, a successful businessman on a steady rise in the corporate world, is hesitant when his mother urges him to find a wife.
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Suhani Prem Karani (Hindi)

यह उपन्यास हृदय कोछुनेवाला, प्रेम की सच्ची कहानी है जो एक तकनीकी महाविद्यालय के छात्रों में अच्छाई एवं बुराई को लांघते हुए, प्रेम में सच्चे विजय को दर्षाता है। साथ साथ समाज के बुराईयों को तोड़ते एवं उजाड़ते भी जाता है। इस दषक से शुरू होकर अगली दषक में प्रवेष का जीता-जागता समाज के स्वीकृति की एवं समाज के विकृति के अंत करने की कहानी है। इसमे वैज्ञानिक सोच, मनोवैज्ञानिक दबाब एवं सांस्कृतिक परिवर्तन की विषिष्ट हसीन सफर भी है।
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Samarpan (Hindi)

The book deals with the concept of love. Many times we misunderstand love as lust the writer has depicted this book that love and lust are two different things attraction of male body toward female body or vice-versa is lust and mind set of the two comes under preview of love.
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