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Vijayalatha Narayanan

Vijayalatha Narayanan- the divine frequency Author

May,7, 2020ByProwess Publications

Vijayalatha is an inquisitive seeker, forever explorer who loves being in nature. Extrasensory perception, astral travel, cognition, telekinesis, time, and cosmic consciousness are the subjects of interest to her. The practice of penning down experiences from her travels, treks, sports adventure, and day to day activities inspired her to venture into writing. Her previous book “The Involution” was a friendship saga based on astral travels, Time & Space dimension.

Book Published by Her

The Divine Frequency V.2020

There is always the purpose of every event that occurs in our life and there is always a choice to change the course of the action. When we unlock and resolve the cause of the issue we will stop the adverse effect in our daily life. Unless we develop harmony in our life, in our words, actions, deeds & in our beingness, we will never see an end to diseases and our turmoil.
This book is a short story narrating the story of Aryan and his journey of discovering his sense of purpose, happiness, harmony, and divinity amidst the deadly Covid19 pandemic that the entire world experienced. His interactions with his mother under strange circumstances give way to his understanding of GOD, the significance of Love, Compassion, and the “Divine Frequency” which like magic puts back the world to its original state of harmony!
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My Experience with Prowess

Working with Prowess had been a wonderful experience. The team took the complete effort of publishing my book. I have published my book as an eBook, the quality is good.

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