How to Choose the Perfect Publishing House for Your First Book?

Many first-time authors or even seasoned writers sometimes may feel skeptical while choosing a publisher for their first book. It is indeed tough and totally understandable to be confused while trying to comprehend the entire publishing landscape. Try not to fret. Instead, Prowess recommends authors and writers that they do a little groundwork before embarking on their book publishing journey. As soon as the writing part is finished, questions such as – How does the book publishing business work, what are the various types of publishing services, how to evaluate traditional or self-publishers, etc., seem to pop up in every author’s mind. This article entirely focuses on assisting authors on how to choose their perfect publisher for their first book.
The business of book publishing has changed dramatically over the past two decades, and most of the advice thrown up for free over the internet is, unfortunately, outdated and wrong. Thus, making the book publishing landscape more confusing. As a first-time writer, the initial thing you must understand is, that there are two major publishing models: Traditional and Self.

Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing? Confused which way to go?
Well, for starters, though most established authors suggest or recommend first-time writers to publish their first book through the traditional publishing method, it doesn’t materialize as easy as advised. Because, oftentimes, traditional publishers do not accept every first-time author with open arms. Hence, traditional publishers tend to reject more than 90% of the manuscripts that they receive, citing to reasons best known only to them. However, this shouldn’t discourage new writers from realizing their book publishing dream. Here’s where self-publishing comes to the rescue for such first-time writers who really wish to see their draft materialize into a published book. Again, countless self-publishing houses are offering varied self-publishing services for first-time authors. So, how to pick the perfect publishing house for your first book?
We have listed a few important points that may help first-time authors in choosing their perfect self-publisher.

Ownership & Copyrights:
All the hard work and the valuable time spent over the months(or years) to bring your unique idea into the form of a book, will be taken over in a snap if you tend to go for traditional publishing. Though you’ll be paid a meager advance, all the rights are withheld by the publishing house. Moreover, it anywhere takes at least 6 months to one year to see your own book published and available in the book stores. Blame it on the snail-pace process of traditional publishing. The format is entirely different if you opt for a self-publishing method. Here, it barely takes two weeks or a maximum of one month to have your book published and distributed. Above all, as the author, you retain all the rights. This helps a lot when your book’s potentiality is discovered and accepted by film production houses which may initiate the idea of turning your book into a film. Since you’ve self-published your book, you own the copyrights, thus enabling you to earn a decent copyrights fee from the film production houses for your book. So, always choose a self-publisher that allows you to retain 100% of the copyrights of your book with yourself entirely.

Publishing, Marketing & Promotional Assistance:
Additional services like faster publishing turn-around time, timely delivery, editing services, custom book cover designing, book interior formatting, ISBN allotment, proofing, and copyediting, etc., stand and testify as to the most important factors of a successful self-publishing house. Every first-time book writer must watch out for all these services while choosing their first self-publishing house. Because most first-time writers may feel the need to opt for a few of these services to enhance their book quality before their book release. Other than these services, marketing and promotional services(offline & online) are the other two significant services that every author must look out for. Because, irrespective of your book being published, it may not reach its potential audience if not properly marketed or promoted. A perfect self-publishing house offers varied innovative marketing and promotional services for its authors and elevates their first book status into a bestseller. Hence, Prowess recommends writers and authors to look out for such services enabled self-publisher.

Distribution & Royalties:
Self-publishing helps you to distribute your book all over the retail book stores as well as online. Since most of the book purchasing nowadays occurs online, it is in your best interest that you opt for self-publishing. The perfect self-publisher publishes and distributes your book globally as well as assures your book availability both in the bookstores & online platforms throughout its lifetime. A reliable self-publisher also allows you to earn maximum royalties on your book sales. The book sales royalties vary usually between 40 percent and 100 percent, depending on the sales channel. The sales royalties of self-publishing are higher and greater when compared to the royalties earned through traditional publishing. Hence, look out for that trustworthy self-publisher that offers maximum global exposure as well as higher sales royalties for your book.

Final thoughts:
The emergence of self-publishing houses empowered first-time authors to distribute mass quantities of their work at a low cost, as well as enhance the reading experience with the ability to incorporate multimedia into their story. Furthermore, most of the traditional book publishing houses are geared towards accepting the work of established writers or professional novelists. Whereas, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and almost every other professional who are writing business and personal development books must understand and look at book publishing through a completely different lens and choose a perfect self-publishing house for their first book. Self-publishing may have different forms, but at its core, the author controls and dictates the publishing cycle and reaps greater benefits too.

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  1. Good day! great insight.

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