Sohini Maitra

Sohini Maitra is a lethal combination of a Bengali born and brought up in Patna. Genetically from a culture that considers themselves custodians of everything art and literature, being raised in a land of the tough, has granted her the power to exist in this cruel world with literary aplomb. She has been raised by a strong single mother; her father was a noted journalist who passed away in the line of duty when she was a toddler. Being brought up by a strong single mother, She believes in women power and gender equality, there should not exist a world without that.
She always had the propensity towards reading; early on she also realized her desire for writing. Having studied literature and films in graduation, She went on to secure a post-graduate degree in Public Relations, moving to Mumbai for education. She worked in many roles across industries, all the while taking content writing assignments on the side. She finally took up a full-time role as a content writer in an advertising agency and has been thoroughly enjoying it for the past decade.
While she works as a content writer in the day time, she finds time to put her stories on paper at other times. It all started as a personal blog which encouraged her to write more. These stories have today transformed into a book.
An avid animal rights defender, she is a dog mommy to Ole Kumar and Thimpoo Rani. Her world revolves around her two dogs; feeding, tending, playing with them and filling her social media accounts with their photographs. She has an enviable collection of comic books and loves reading works of fiction. She could discuss super-heroes and alternate universes at length while spending a sizable amount from her paycheque on action figures.

Book Published by Her

The Odd One & Other Short Stories

A collection of short stories. A first attempt by the author to pen down stories influenced by her daily life. This fits into no particular genre as life provides experiences from various genre. Out of the box heartfelt stories.
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My experience with Prowess is good, the team provided stupendous help & the turnaround times of things were also awesome.

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