Do you remember checking reviews about the product before making the final buying decision? Chances are you did before buying a book. If you have already published a book, your next part of the work starts here. The review process can even start even before the book's official release date. Authors can give reviewers advanced review copies. To make a distinguishing mark as an author you need to ensure that you have a strong reader base. It is essential for you to influence and … [Read more...]
How to Get Reviews for Your Book
Filed Under: Book Marketing and Promotion, Book Reviews, Self Publishing, Writing Advice Tagged With: author, blogging, blogging for authors, book marketing, Book marketing plan, book promotion, Book Publishing, Book Review, book reviews, book writing tips, build an author brand, How to write a book, indianauthors, prowesspub, reviews, self publishing, self-publish, self-publish a book in India, self-published author, Self-publishing Advice, Social Media for Authors, tips for authors
Why Should You Publish Your Book

Are you an aspiring author? Or you are still in two minds whether you should actually take up the courage to write a book? If the question “Should I write a book?” comes to your mind it means you have something to tell. Remember each one of us has a story to share. A story that people will connect to. Your story might inspire another person who is a part of a similar story. Writing is a way to introspect and a thoughtful activity that will help you re-explore your … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Self Publishing Tagged With: author, Author Tips, benefits of self-publishing, book publishers, Book Publishing, how to publish a book, how to self-publish, How to write a book, improve creativity, indianauthors, Online book publishing, prowesspub, publish a book, Publishing Services, self-publish, self-publish a book in India, self-published author, Self-publishing Advice, what is self-publishing, write a book, Writing, writing tips