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Why Should You Publish Your Book

  Are you an aspiring author? Or you are still in two minds whether you should actually take up the courage to write a book? If the question “Should I write a book?” comes to your mind it means you have something to tell.   Remember each one of us has a story to share. A story that people will connect to. Your story might inspire another person who is a part of a similar story. Writing is a way to introspect and a thoughtful activity that will help you re-explore … Read more

How to Write a Book: 6 Amazing Simple Steps

How to write a book

How many times did you read a book and ask yourself- “I have so many ideas/stories. Why don’t I write a book?” Well, with the right skill, strategy, and dedication you can absolutely write a book. The appropriate questions you should ask are “How to write a book? How much time and research does it need & what are the steps involved?” It’s natural to get inspired by stories/experiences and dream about becoming a published author. But, book writing is a rigorous process. You … Read more

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