Five absolutely fresh ways of dealing with writer’s block

Writer’s block can be real or imaginary, but it can definitely hamper your writings, delay your goals and disturb your internal peace. Have you ever faced a situation where it was you vs. a white paper or blank screen? Ideas were not flowing, creativity appeared like an unknown territory and you started doubting your writing skills. The war went on for hours and despite your valiant efforts, you lost. You struggled to write a single sentence and ended up in a web of anxiety, stress, … [Read more...]

Writing Tips for First Time Authors

Writing your first novel is fun but also challenging. Whether you are writing your first book or struggling to complete your second, sometimes you need help in focusing and figuring out how to reach your goal. Use these tips to help you go from the first sentence all the way to a completed book. Outline your story idea Before you start writing a novel, it’s important to find a book idea that will sustain your interest. A strong idea will be a fount of creative inspiration right to the final … [Read more...]

Why Should You Publish Your Book

  Are you an aspiring author? Or you are still in two minds whether you should actually take up the courage to write a book? If the question “Should I write a book?” comes to your mind it means you have something to tell.   Remember each one of us has a story to share. A story that people will connect to. Your story might inspire another person who is a part of a similar story. Writing is a way to introspect and a thoughtful activity that will help you re-explore your … [Read more...]

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