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What is self-publishing?

September,25, 2017ByProwess Publications

Self-publishing is a simple and speedy way of publishing your book. Author’s participation, control, and involvement in the publishing process makes self-publishing unique and attractive.

Self-published authors pay for the cost involved in the activity, and in return, get professional help and retain responsibility of deciding the critical factors of the publishing process like; cover design, interior design, distribution, eBook conversion, and marketing. Experienced publishing professionals convert your brilliantly written manuscript into a beautiful book and release it within a month.

One may think the idea of self-publishing as similar to starting a business. The idea is yours, you hire specialists at terms, sell your product and retain the profit. A self-publishing company acts like your employee and renders you the publishing service you desire.

The concept of self-publishing is not entirely new. It has just become more efficient. Self-publishing a book before 2008 involved a lot of investment from the author. He/she had to pay for the book creation process, purchase bulk copies and bear the inventory cost. The invention of electronic readers and efficient print-on-demand books made self-publishing a household name.

Self-publishing practically allows you to publish anything you want, the way you want and when you want. Although you can publish as per your wish, you need to remember the business aspect of it. An unsold book can demotivate for writing your next book. Study audience’s habits to get their attention and build your reader base through social media. Our self-publishing guide has everything you need to know about self-publishing.

The most loved features of self-publishing are – it guarantees publication of your book, royalties goes as high as 70% due to the reduced cost of production (electronic version of books and no inventory requirement), and there is no alteration in the storyline. However, you must remember that with freedom comes responsibility. If you are new to the publishing process, you may not be well-equipped to take crucial decisions related to your book such as; choosing between eBook and print book or maintaining both, deciding the best price for your book, selecting the best cover design, and deciding on a sales strategy.

The intricacies of the business may sound overwhelming initially, but don’t worry, Prowess is here for help. Our publishing consultants will navigate you through the book creation, distribution, and marketing process one step at a time, enabling you to make the best decisions for your book.

Contact us at info@prowesspub.com or call 044-2234-2204 for more details.

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