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An Introduction to Self-Publishing

introduction to self-publishing

December,5, 2018ByProwess Publications

Once you complete writing your book, the next thought that worries you is how to publish it? You have heard about writers waiting for months after submitting their script to publishers, only to receive a rejection letter at the end. The cycle goes on for months, and many aspiring authors give up their dream of becoming a published author. But, you have received terrific reviews from family, friends and you know about the high quality of your script. So, how do you approach a publisher and convince them about the potential of your book?

Well, the good news is book publishing is not a complicated process anymore. With the evolution of technology, today you can self-publish your book and release it at your convenient time. You can stay in control over your story; decide the marketing channels, distribution partners and price of your book. The best part is you get royalty between 60 to 80 percent of the profit on every book sold.

Welcome to self-publishing

Before we discuss how you can self-publish your book, let’s first understand what self-publishing is.

Self-publishing is a popular way to publish your book. It’s an author-centric book publishing model, where the publisher facilitates the book to the market and allows readers to decide the quality. You get to stay in control and drive a team of specialists like cover designers, editors, and marketers. The services are paid, but you can complete your dream of becoming a published author within 6-8 Weeks.

Self-publishing has given successful authors

If you think self-publishing is new and people do not become successful authors this way, you might want to rethink.

Amish Tripathi, the author of Immortals of Meluha, Ashwin Sanghi, the author of Chanakya’s Chant and E.L James, the author of 50 Shades of Grey, started their author career with self-publishing after being rejected by traditional publishers.

Eventually, when people liked their book, and it reached the best-sellers charts, renowned book publishing companies acquired publishing rights.

But, what makes self-publishing possible?

Self-publishing empowers every writer to publish a book. Advances in technology power this revolution in the book publishing business. The invention of electronic readers (eBook) allows anybody across the globe to download your book and start reading in seconds and print-on-demand enables publishers to print the book according to demand and avoid maintaining huge inventory.

Ultimately the cost of publishing a book is reduced and everybody can afford to take a book to readers with the help of self-publishing companies.

What are the benefits of self-publishing?

You can publish your book within a few months

You can release it in the market at your convenient time

Control over the story

Actively participate in book marketing campaigns

Decide the cover design, interior design, distribution channels and price of your book

Earn royalty between 60 to 80%

Build credibility as a published author and get noticed

How do you self-publish a book?  

Publishing a book with Prowess is quite easy. We have simplified the publishing process into five simple steps. Our consultant will work with on every minute detail to create the best possible book.

Take a look at our publishing process.

Complete your book: – One of the first steps in the book publishing process is to make your script publishing-ready. Your book might need copy editing, comprehensive editing or simple proofreading. Make your book error-free before you think of publishing.

Talk to a consultant: – When you complete making changes with the script, it’s time you talk to a publishing expert and understand the nuances of the publishing process. You will get a brief of how things work and what you are expected to do as an author.

Submit your manuscript: – You need to submit your sample script for editorial board review and analysis of your script from a publisher’s point of view. Based on your script, you can expect to receive a publishing plan from your project manager.

Finalize the services: – After you finalize the services, finalize the services you want. To make things easy, select an appropriate publishing package and sign up without delaying any further.

Publish and promote: – You can expect to get your book published within a few months depending on how quickly you respond to queries related to your book. In the interactive process, you will be finalizing the cover design, distribution channels, and price. Once published, you can play an active role in deciding the intensity of the marketing campaign for your book.

Publishing a book is no longer restricted to the elite. Self-publishing empowers every writer to share his/her story with the world. You can complete your dream of becoming a published author without making any changes in your story and release your book at your convenient time. If you want to know more about self-publishing, the advantages, features and limitations, we have prepared a comprehensive guide. Download our free self-publishing guide here.

And, if you want to talk to an expert, our publishing consultants will be there to guide you at every stage of the process. Contact us at info@prowesspub.com or call +91-9032193272 for more details.


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