Rakshitha Setty

My Experience with Prowess Publishing a book with Prowess is so simple, I am impressed with the book's quality. Initially, I have published a paperback book and now thinking to publish an eBook too. Rakshitha Setty started as a journalist in the inspirational writing category by discovering her passion for writing. She has interviewed and covered inspiring stories of celebrities and achievers from various domains. Believing that non-fiction is not merely a genre but a culture, she finds her … [Read more...]

How to write a good non-fiction book

Converting an idea, knowledge or experience into a non-fiction book is never easy. If you do not follow a systematic approach, you can get lost in the web of attention and research the craft demands.   At the bookstore, you must have noticed that the books in non-fiction section range from biography, travel, self-help, and cookbook to the every other topic one can imagine. If you do some research you will find out that most of the authors of these books are not professional writers; … [Read more...]

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