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Five Powerful Tactics to Increase Book Sales

Five Powerful Tactics to Increase Book Sales

August,18, 2017ByProwess Publications

You wrote a terrific book and received excellent reviews from friends, fellow writers, and critics as well. Yet, sales are below expectations. So what went wrong?

Disappointing sales figures for your book could arouse self-doubt and spoil your plans if you had high earning expectations. Your creative mind might start thinking of writing something better next time, which will take care of sales automatically. A good idea, but if you do not make any extra effort to increase book sales, you might end up in the same loop of flat sales. It is essential to understand that however extraordinary your book is? if you do not make efforts to make it visible to potential readers and persuade them using various means, your book won’t reach beyond friends and family. The concept of marketing your book to increase sales might be intimidating initially, but it can be fun once you get good at it.

Here’s a compilation of five powerful tactics that can increase your book sales.

Amazon Promotion

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the self-publishing wing of Amazon, provides an excellent opportunity to make your book available for free for up to five days. You can use this service to promote your book among your followers, create hype in social media, and make maximum downloads possible in the period. If the campaign is successful, word of mouth can lead to high sales once the free period is over.

Request reviews

A few positive reviews from famous personalities in the same genre can convince customers to make the final buying decision. It’s not easy to get reviews from the best in the industry, but if you can, it will positively affect sales. In addition to book bloggers, you can also write to parental bloggers, business bloggers, and reporters depending on your genre for review. Encourage readers to provide reviews on Amazon and social media platforms. Honest reviews and ratings from the customer’s peers are also trusted.

Book Blurb

In simple words, a book blurb is a sales pitch for your book. Anyone looking to buy a book first looks at the cover design then goes through the blurb in the back cover to see if it’s worth the money. Your blurb should meet the specific need of the potential reader. Few explosive words should vividly describe the core context of the book and excite an appropriate amount of curiosity without giving a clue further. It should do its best to make the reader feel irresistible to buy the book.

Blog Tour

The job of making your book visible to potential readers has to go through multiple channels. Send a request to post your articles focused on themes of helping authors in writing books on relevant and well- known blogs. You can offer complimentary copies of your book to bloggers who agree to host your articles. A couple of interviews or guest posts on noteworthy blogs can attract interested customers to your website.

Make the most of social media

Use social media for indirect promotion. Post relevant content and provide a link to your blog and e-commerce sites. However, since every other author will be using social media to promote themselves, the key to success is in using such platforms wisely. To know about tactics of using social media click here.

In the process of marketing, avoid using unethical means like writing fake reviews of your book on Amazon with the help of friends or promising something in social media promotions, which your book doesn’t offer. Marketing of your book and yourself is an ongoing process to build an author brand, which will ultimately help you sell books in the future with minimum efforts.

These are a few tips to increase book sales. To receive updates about the latest book marketing trends, subscribe to our email newsletter.

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