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The importance of book video trailers in book marketing

  How do you decide if you want to watch a movie? You have a quick look at its trailer to have an idea what the movie deals with. Much like a movie, a book trailer video will enable your book to stand out in the crowd. In this article we will cover topics like: a) What is a book trailer? b) Some facts about video trailers c) 5 critical reasons why videos are considered for book promotion d) What should be there in a book trailer video? e) Distribution of video … Read more

Why Should You Publish Your Book

  Are you an aspiring author? Or you are still in two minds whether you should actually take up the courage to write a book? If the question “Should I write a book?” comes to your mind it means you have something to tell.   Remember each one of us has a story to share. A story that people will connect to. Your story might inspire another person who is a part of a similar story. Writing is a way to introspect and a thoughtful activity that will help you re-explore … Read more

How much does it cost to self-publish a book?

One of the first question every author asks when they look for book publishing is how much does it cost to self-publish a book? If you are new to the publishing world, you can easily end up paying a fortune. The two parts of the cost are the time and effort you put in to write and the amount you pay to the publisher for services. In this blog we will investigate why and how much you really need to pay to publish a book. Let’s look at the five important services of book publishing – … Read more

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